What to Expect after Microblading
No matter how many times I’ve Microbladed someone, the one question I get, even after explaining it to them at the time of their appointment and sending home with literature is, “What is the healing going to look like?” or “How do I care for my microblading?”
Remember, this is only a guideline, everyone heals differently, retains color differently and not one persons results are the same from the other. Also don’t forget to review the After care guide I have for you here.
Please keep your newly Microbladed eyebrows, dry.
No water, no sweat, no oil, and no sun! Wear a hat when out and about, keep your face out of the shower.
No working out and please keep all oils away from your face, retinol and glycolic acids should also be avoided.
Mild cleansers should be used on your face at this time.
Day 1-3: Brows are dark, Microblading lines are crisp.
Day 3-5: Microbladed lines start to dry, depending on skin type.
Depending on what I’ve instructed as your aftercare at the time of your appointment, you may begin to start putting the ointment provided on your brows, but only if skin is itchy.
If you’re skin is naturally oily, please forgo the ointment and let your skin breathe. I’d rather you wait it out and let the skin heal naturally. I’m a fan of the dry healing method for everyone.
Day 5-10: Brows will begin to peel and skin will flake off as it is healing.
It is very important for you NOT to remove any of this dry skin yourself, you run the risk of pulling pigment off when you do. This will result in uneven color in your brows. Let you skin do it’s thing.
Day 10-14: By now your skin should be completely healed on the surface.
The color of your brows will appear significantly lighter. DON’T PANIC! This is normal, it takes anywhere between 6-8 weeks for the tissue underneath your skin to completely heal.
It is then when your true color will be revealed. Be patient. Your color will come back 30%-50% lighter then the original color microbladed.
At this time it is important to continue good aftercare of your brows. It is recommended that you apply sunscreen to your brows daily (only after all dry skin has come off) to help aid with color retention.
I’ll see you back in 6-8 weeks at your touch-up, this is mandatory. Do remember that Microblading is a two-step process.
Patience, patience, patience.
XO, Natalie